Water Source—Resource Gathering
Resources required include maps of the area in question. These come in many forms: topographic maps, road maps, aerial maps, official plans from local municipalities, aggregate resource inventory maps, soil and land inventory maps. If maps are of different scales, either enlarge or reduce them on a photocopier or computer to adjust the scale for one map size.
To create overlays of maps, it will be necessary to use acetates or Mylar sheets. Supplies needed include acetate sheets, small sticker dots to label area of concern (white, blue, red, and green), tape, water-based pens to write on maps, and "sticky notes" that are easy to move around on maps.
Human Resources
There are many people who may be more than happy to assist you. Be sure of what you are looking for before seeking assistance. You may need permission for property access, expertise, and monetary aid to get supplies and publicity for your group and your results. And if you get stuck don't forget to Ask An Expert!
This content has been re-published with permission from SEED. Copyright © 2025 Schlumberger Excellence in Education Development (SEED), Inc.