Statistics and probability

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  • Concepts of population, sample, random sample and frequency distribution of discrete and continuous data.
  • Grouped data: mid-interval values, interval width, upper and lower interval boundaries.
  • Mean, variance, standard deviation.

Not required:

  • Estimation of mean and variance of a population from a sample.
  • For examination purposes, in papers 1 and 2 data will be treated as the population.
  • In examinations the following formulae should be used:
  • TOK: The nature of mathematics. Why have mathematics and statistics sometimes been treated as separate subjects?
  • TOK: The nature of knowing. Is there a difference between information and data?
  • Aim 8: Does the use of statistics lead to an overemphasis on attributes that can easily be measured over those that cannot?
  • Appl: Psychology SL/HL (descriptive statistics); Geography SL/HL (geographic skills); Biology SL/HL 1.1.2 (statistical analysis).
  • Appl: Methods of collecting data in real life (census versus sampling).
  • Appl: Misleading statistics in media reports.
  • Concepts of trial, outcome, equally likely outcomes, sample space (U) and event.
  • The probability of an event A as P( A) .
  • The complementary events A and A′ (not A).
  • Use of Venn diagrams, tree diagrams, counting principles and tables of outcomes to solve problems.
  • Aim 8: Why has it been argued that theories based on the calculable probabilities found in casinos are pernicious when applied to everyday life (eg economics)?
  • Int: The development of the mathematical theory of probability in 17th century France.
5.3 Combined events; the formula for P( A ∪ B) . Mutually exclusive events. . .
  • Conditional probability; the definition
  • Independent events; the definition
  • Use of Bayes’ theorem for a maximum of three events.
Use of P( A ∩ B) = P( A)P(B) to show independence.
  • Appl: Use of probability methods in medical studies to assess risk factors for certain diseases.
  • TOK: Mathematics and knowledge claims. Is independence as defined in probabilistic terms the same as that found in normal experience?
  • Concept of discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions.
  • Definition and use of probability density functions.
  • Expected value (mean), mode, median,variance and standard deviation.
  • Applications.
  • For a continuous random variable, a value at which the probability density function has a maximum value is called a mode.
  • Examples include games of chance.
  • TOK: Mathematics and the knower. To what extent can we trust samples of data?
  • Appl: Expected gain to insurance companies.
  • Binomial distribution, its mean and variance.
  • Poisson distribution, its mean and variance.

Not required:

  • Formal proof of means and variances.
  • Link to binomial theorem in 1.3.
  • Conditions under which random variables have these distributions.
  • TOK: Mathematics and the real world. Is the binomial distribution ever a useful model for an actual real-world situation?
  • Normal distribution.
  • Properties of the normal distribution.
  • Standardization of normal variables


  • Probabilities and values of the variable must be found using technology.
  • The standardized value (z) gives the number of standard deviations from the mean.
  • Link to 2.3.
  • Appl: Chemistry SL/HL 6.2 (collision theory);Psychology HL (descriptive statistics); Biology SL/HL 1.1.3 (statistical analysis).
  • Aim 8: Why might the misuse of the normal distribution lead to dangerous inferences and conclusions?
  • TOK: Mathematics and knowledge claims. To what extent can we trust mathematical models such as the normal distribution? Int: De Moivre’s derivation of the normal distribution and Quetelet’s use of it to describe l’homme moyen.

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